Monday, March 16, 2009

Its Not Easy Being Green

Literally. For the past several days my family and I have all been quite green. With the stomach flu. Very apropos, being March and all. Really, it was our turn. Brian was sick in January for a long time, but he hasn't been sick in years, so I figure he was just due. The little guy and I have both been bug free all winter long. And that is just not fair.

So we have now done our part to promote justice and equality.

I have learned how many loads of laundry my washer can handle if you stay up all night just waiting for the dryer to ding. Little guy has learned how to say "tummy hurt" (but not what to do about it...). Both of us now know how to subsist entirely on Sprite. So in addition to being fair, this whole thing was also a learning expereince.

But I've learned enough to last at least another year I think...

1 comment:

Janna Leadbetter said...

Yeesh. Hope you're on the mend, fast!