Friday, January 9, 2009


It has finally happened-- a moment I had begun to dispare would ever come to pass. Harvest. Is. Over.


Roughly translated that means I'm happy.

The beans are in the bin, the corn is completely picked, and the combines are even in their sheds. Over, over, over!

No more meals in the field! Brian comes home at night! I actually get to see him in the morning! He tucks the little guy in with me! He can even babysit at home! Stress, pressure, worry, gone!

At least for a few months.

Planting starts in March.


Janna Leadbetter said...

Huh-zah! Such good news. :)

Ruth said...

Yes, but planting is so much more endurable than harvesting: springtime, outdoorsiness, etc. Plus, the little guy will probably be big enough that he can ride along with Dad for a few hours. That's what my mom always did with us when she needed a break- Pack us a lunch and pile us in the tractor! (I would take my naps in there too. It works)

Anonymous said...

Yea! Happy Harvest dance. Now it's time to sing "Come Ye Thankful People Come." And maybe time for more babies :)?

Kelly said...

Janna-- thanks!

Ruth-- and planting is more intense. More time in the field but its over faster. And the tractor this year has lots of room for a little guy!

Angela-- yes, but in nine months we'll be harvesting again (*grin*)