Thursday, January 1, 2009

Good Intentions

Well, everybody is doing it, so I guess you could say I've given in to peer pressure, but regardless, I'm printing up goals for 2009. And no, jumping off a cliff along with everyone else is not one of them.

First there is the usual:
Organize and clean several areas of my house
Workout four days a week
Add more veggies to our evening meal

And then there are the unusual:
Finish reading "When All Plans Fail" and create an emergency plan for my family
Finish reading "Fit for the Kingdom" and make more nutritious meals
Keep a tighter watch on my budget and the farm's

Mix in the more personal:
Schedule more Scripture reading time
Keep family scrapbooks up to date

And the child training:
Be consistent about stopping that back-talk noise
Brush his teeth twice a day
Schedule more play dates
Read Bible stories before bed each night

So there you have it. Goals, resolutions, plans, and good intentions. Published on the Internet now for all the world to see. You'll keep me on track, right?


Janna Leadbetter said...

I'll try to hold you accountable if you do the same for me! :)

Kelly said...

Deal! Um, lets see... so far I've... well, I meant to... Oh! I did work out this morning!