Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Do you ever find yourself in a position where you don't know what to think? Not, unable to think, which does seem to vex me more often than it should considering I'm still in my 20s. But pulled in two directions, feeling that to root for either side would be okay-- but should you?

No, this is not about the election.

Its about the weather.

Ironically, no matter what I think, I have very little (okay, no) control over the weather. So why the worry? Well, I guess its just the life of a farm family. Brian has been in the combine for almost two weeks straight.

Which is good. We are getting near the finish line for harvesting soybeans. Just a few more days and we could have them all in the bin. Then we'll start back on corn. And there is a lot of that to harvest. And it needs to be in the bins before a storm can knock it over or the deer eat it or snow stops our progress in the field. And all of these are very good reasons for wanting the weather be fair and sunny.

On the other hand-- I miss my husband. Its amazing how many things I need to tell him, but I feel as if I've hardly seen him. A quick phone call here or there to discuss the most important stuff. A few rides around the field to talk about how harvest is going. A speedy kiss before he runs out the door in the morning. I miss my husband.

So... what to wish for? Rain, sun, sleet, hail-- oops, not hail. Just get the harvest over with as quickly as possible and then he can come home, or a small break in the chaos to spend an evening with us? Ugh. I just don't know.

God knew what he was doing when He did not bequeath me power over the weather. Wth my whirling thoughts we'd probably have a tornado.

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