Friday, September 19, 2008

Ready or Not

I'm almost ready. Almost. There are some things about harvest that I love. I love riding in the buddy seat of the combine, especially when we harvest corn. There are few things like the view from the seat of a huge combine enclosed all the way to your feet with glass. (Or you know, whatever windows are made of...) I love the smell of autumn and the feel of the chill in the air. I can't wait to cut corn shucks for my front porch and take my son to pick out a pumpkin.

But harvest is really busy. And that means Brian is gone. A lot. It means no daddy to take over bedtime duty. It means making all our meals "to-go" in Styrofoam containers and driving them all over the countryside to the crew. It means when Brian does come home he's tired.

Of course, its not the end of the world or anything. There are always rainy days (provided there aren't TOO many) to enjoy. And nothing bonds a family like riding together for hours on end. Last year our little guy would even take his naps on the combine floor. But regardless, harvest is something I have to mentally gear-up for.

Each day this week I've been asking my husband what he'll be doing. That way I can keep track of our harvest "readiness." And its coming.

But I'm almost ready. Almost.

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