Monday, September 1, 2008

Kinda Laid Back

John Denver said that "life on the farm is kinda laid back" which I'm guessing means he never actually lived on one. But for us August is as close to laid back as we get. And while you might notice that this is actually the first day of September, the same is holding true for the moment. See, this year it rained and poured in the spring, so our crops were um, well... a little late. So now harvest will be a little late too. But unlike the spring I am excited about a late harvest. Why? you ask. See above title. Instead of planting, spraying, applying fertilizer, scouting, fixing, repairing, and all the other never ending work on a farm we are improving MY YARD! And no one does dirt work like a farmer.

Two years ago my father-in-law took a bulldozer to these giant scrubby trees that were badly damaged in a tornado. Then we knocked in an old cellar before our son was born, since it seemed a bit hazardous to me. When our septic tank went bad we dug it up and put in a new one. Oh! And two Christmas' ago we finally got rid of our well and hooked up to city water. So to imagine what my backyard looked like just picture a gravel query. Or the Grand Canyon. Whatever works for you.

But today they are fixing it!!! As I type I can hear two of the smaller tractors running over the yard with a box scraper and a front loader to smooth out the bumps previously created by the larger tractor and disk. Next up we'll spread grass seed and then a tractor and wagon will bring straw to cover it all with. Yep. No one does dirt work like a farmer.

So, even though fall harvest is right around the corner, today life is kinda laid back!

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