Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No Such Thing

If you are a guy and you're reading this you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. But if you are a girl, especially if you are married, you know exactly what I mean.

Boys have way too many toys!

Yesterday my husband and our hired farm hand were working on the 10-wheeler, getting it ready to haul grain for the harvest. Brian came home no less than three times to get some very specific and highly necessary tool. I have a dad, a brother and several uncles, so I have some experience with tools. But these... well, I'd never even seen anything like them before. Nor do I have any understanding whatsoever about how they will help add braces to hold a new tarp onto the truck. (Okay, okay, I got the paint brush part...)

One was a long, thin... stick attached to a cord and plug-in... thingy. Then there were the gauges with funky prongs? For working on a truck? I dunno.

But I am absolutely certain that every tool he owns is vitally important to the daily workings of our farm. Or, at least, he's certain.

Too many toys? Perhaps I'm not qualified to say. And maybe its better if I just don't know.

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