Tuesday, September 23, 2008

/A/, /a/, /a/

For those of you who don't speak teacher, the title is the short a sound-- the sound my son made all day yesterday as we picked apples! He loves this John Deere alphabet book which uses (of course!) an apple for the letter a. It was so fun to watch him see apples on the tree!

Not that he could do anything about it. No matter how hard he tried, or how hard I tried to make it easier, he couldn't get the stems to snap. Poor kid is all crunched over under the tree pulling and pulling to get one measly apple while mommy fills the whole bag in 15 minutes. It would have been about 5 minutes, but I had to stop and take a few pictures. Okay, okay, 76 pictures. But aren't they cute!

Now the kicker is getting something done with them all. My husband wants applesauce, I want some frozen for apple crisp, and the little guy just wanted to eat one! Too bad it requires teeth and a slightly larger jaw.

So wish me luck. I'm sure an extra four hours will just fall into my day!

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