Thursday, December 11, 2008

So Special

Awww! It's my first bloggy award nomination! Thanks Janna.

This award is for people who write about real life and now I'm supposed to pass it on by linking to my seven favorite blogs of other who, well, write about real life. And then you have to post this picture and do the same :). So, drum roll please, here goes!

Amber: who writes A Classic Housewife in a Modern World. I love her ideas for dealing with real life-- where does she get them all?

Janna: who nominated me so maybe this isn't fair, but she's tops in my book! Janna writes many things, but her blog is Something She Wrote.

Ruth: who makes me laugh, grin, snort, etc.. Read her stuff at The Book of Ruth.

Angela: who handles real life as well as anyone I know. The Grocery Shrink shows you just how she does it, but few will ever match her skills.

And that, unfortunatly, is the end of my postings because those are all the real life blogs I read. If you still feel like clicking you can check out my business blog for Designs of Mine, but otherwise feel free to go pass this prestigious award on.

((hugs to you all))


Janna Leadbetter said...

Yay! Go you. And thanks for boomerangin' it back to me. :)

Ruth said...

Tee hee!

Amber said...

Oh wow! This means more to me than something like, "Nice blogger" or "Fun blogger" or anything like that (though I'm always flattered to get those, too.) :P But since I always strive to "keep it real," it's nice to know it's working. :)

A Classic Housewife in a Modern World